Eldis a Rosa ist Multiinstrumentailst, Komponist, Bandleader der Extraklasse. In seinem Erstlingswerk, Trotando, spielt das Saxophon
die Hauptrolle. Drumherum ranken sich außergwöhnliche Arrangements, vielschichtige heiße Rhythmen, vielseitige Songs und coole Vocals sowie großartige Band- und Gastmusiker.
Cuban World Jazz at it's best!
Nähere Information auf dem CD Cover in der Slideshow und auf der Website (siehe Link unten)
Eldis La Rosa is a multy instrumentalist, composer, bandleader in a class of his own. On his first CD the saxophone has the main part. Extraordinary arrangements, hot multilayer rhythms, versatile songs and cool vocals entwine around it – interpreted by the top-class band and guest-musicians.
This is Cuban World Jazz at it's best!
For more detailed information have a look at the booklet on the slideshow here and the artists website (link below).